Jens Tietböhl has been working as a national coach for the German Volleyball-Association for almost 20 years now and is therefore primarily responsible in training young players: „It is my goal that as many as possible players claim a place in the squad of the Women´s National Team”, says Tietböhl. For example Mareen Apitz, Maren Brinker, Lenka Dürr, Saskia Hippe, Atika Bouagaa, Cornelia Dumler or Kathy Radzuweit were educated by Tietböhl and are current National Players or played in the National Team in the past.
Tietböhl's greatest success as a national coach was the sensational win of the European Championship with the U18 National Team in 2007. At that time Lenka Dürr and Saskia Hippe had a large share at this victory and celebrated the win of the silver medal at the European Championship in Germany and Switzerland only six years later.